generate your own motivation




The problem, often not discovered until late in life, is that when you look for things in life like love, meaning, motivation, it implies they are sitting behind a tree or under a rock. The most successful people in life recognize, that in life they create their own love, they manufacture their own meaning, they generate their own motivation. For me, I am driven by two main philosophies, know more today about the world than I knew yesterday. And lessen the suffering of others. You'd be surprised how far that gets you.

Neil deGrasse Tyson

Falling Lessons




This short film is based on an erasure poem written by Beth Copeland. The film portrays the pain of slowly losing a loved one to the Alzheimer’s disease.

My eyes fill
with tears as I walk out the door into a memory
in the making, wondering if I’ll lose this memory
of my father when I’m old and what it will feel
like when my thoughts and feelings start falling
into a funnel, when I’m finally failing

to recognize faces of people I love, free falling
into a freeze-frame where time and memories
fade, hearing the rush of my own blood
in my ears like the flurry of two
furious wings as I fall.

(the full poem)





Attention is the most concrete expression of love. What we pay attention to thrives. What we do not pay attention to withers and dies. What will you pay attention to today?

Karen Maezen Miller

Life is not a set timeline of milestones




Understand that life is not a straight line. Life is not a set timeline of milestones. It is okay if you don't finish school, get married, find a job that supports you, have a family, make money, and live comfortably all by this age, or that age. It's okay if you do, as long as you understand that if you're not married by 25, or a Vice President by 30 — or even happy, for that matter — the world isn't going to condemn you. You are allowed to backtrack. You are allowed to figure out what inspires you. You are allowed time, and I think we often forget that. We choose a program right out of high school because the proper thing to do is to go straight to University. We choose a job right out of University, even if we didn't love our program, because we just invested time into it. We go to that job every morning because we feel the need to support ourselves abundantly. We take the next step, and the next step, and the next step, thinking that we are fulfilling some checklist for life, and one day we wake up depressed. We wake up stressed out. We feel pressured and don't know why. That is how you ruin your life.

via How To Ruin Your Life (Without Even Noticing That You Are)
I recommend you follow the link to read the entire article

idea vs reality




soon you'll realize that many people will love the idea of you but will lack the maturity to handle the reality of you

Reyna Biddy





Home is not where you were born;
home is where all your attempts to escape cease.

Naguib Mahfouz

bioluminescent forest




Beautiful projection mapping in the forest.

you need to be




Go out for a walk. It doesn't have to be a romantic walk in the park, spring at its most spectacular moment, flowers and smells and outstanding poetical imagery smoothly transferring you into another world. It doesn't have to be a walk during which you'll have multiple life epiphanies and discover meanings no other brain ever managed to encounter. Do not be afraid of spending quality time by yourself. Find meaning or don't find meaning but ‘steal’ some time and give it freely and exclusively to your own self. Opt for privacy and solitude. That doesn't make you antisocial or cause you to reject the rest of the world. But you need to breathe. And you need to be.

Albert Camus





how much would i have to pay someone by the hour to cuddle me in bed?
i just need you to hold me tightly in your arms, while i cry endlessly. preferably without your judgement, and in complete silence.