continued mutual forgiveness




all friendships of any length are based on a continued, mutual forgiveness. without tolerance and mercy all friendships die.


to remain friends we must know the other and their difficulties and even their sins and encourage the best in them, not through critique but through addressing the better part of them, the leading creative edge of their incarnation, thus subtly discouraging what makes them smaller, less generous, less of themselves

David Whyte (via)

move forward




You know that bullshit people say about how, when you fall, you gotta get up? I reject that shit man. You know why?

The whole thing is a fall. It can't help but be.

A perpetual state of grasping in the dark.

It's not about getting up. It's about stumbling. Stumbling in the right direction.

It's the only true way to move forward.

Mr. Robot S02E03