Build from the selfless place inside of you that is not big or loud or selfish or proud. Build from that little spot inside of you that burns quietly and unceasingly for others. Remember: whatever is burrowed deep in one hungry soul is bound to be tethered to the hearts of many, many more.
If You Find This Letter, Hannah Brencher

I get up in the morning and I say,
"What am I gonna do that's gonna make me happy today?"
I do that every morning, and I found out that it's the best way to live because you get up and you say
"Well, I'm gonna do this for myself first."
in Girls S06E05
often we ask ourselves
to make absolute sense
out of what just happens,
and in this way, what we are practicing
is suffering,
which everybody practices,
but strangely few of us
grow graceful in.
Tony Hoagland
to make absolute sense
out of what just happens,
and in this way, what we are practicing
is suffering,
which everybody practices,
but strangely few of us
grow graceful in.
Tony Hoagland