The hardest thing about moving forward is leaving something behind - and usually it’s a part of ourselves.
i often find myself crying when finding new music
both from happiness (because finding music i love makes me happy) and sadness (because i miss having someone special to share it with)
i don't remember the first time i heard Puma Blue, but ever since then his songs are my favorite to cry to.
in fact, according to spotify my top song of 2020 was "Velvet Leaves", and the day with the most streams was on september 21, and by that alone i can tell you that was one of the saddest days of the year for me.
We cling to music, to poems, to quotes, to writing, to art because we desperately do not want to be alone. We want to know we aren't going crazy, and someone out there knows exactly how we're feeling. We want someone to explain the things we can't.