people don't seem to understand how depression is not a choice.
There is no point treating a depressed person as though she were just feeling sad, saying, there now, hang on, you’ll get over it.
Sadness is more or less like a head cold- with patience, it passes.
Depression is like cancer.
plus (notice that from here on this is just my personal experience) if I am to share with someone I suffer from depression it means I care about that person and I want our friendship to last, and so I need that person to understand my condition and where my "moods" come from, it's not just me giving excuses. because when you care about someone you try to help them, right? but how can you help if you simple ignore their sickness and just treat it like its just some phase. well it's not.
so please, if you actually bothered to read this and you know someone with depression follow that link up there and go inform yourself. this shit is serious and is everywhere, it's like a plague.
nota tomada ;)